Those UK Hip-hop fans amongst you readers will most definitely have heard of Lowkey, Logic & the whole Peoples Army movement. A collective of like-minded artists pushing out positive, conscious music, to hopefully educate and inspire people in a world where what really matters has become twisted.

However, you may not have heard of their youngest recruit, one 17 year old named Jimmy Jitzu. Hailing from South London, Jimmy had been secretly writing lyrics from a young age, until one day getting spotted by Logic at an Open Mic night in Brixton, the rest, as they say, is history.
If you want to hear more from a definite 'one to watch' in the UKHH game, you can download his debut mixtape, 'The Lightbulb Revelations' for FREE, just click on the mixtape cover.

There will also be hard copies for the hardcore heads in due course.
Look out for It's Gutter's review of that real real soon.
I'll let the fact he said 'guitarer' rather than 'guitarist' slide...
For more on Jimmy Jitsu check out his MYSPACE, YOUTUBE & follow him on TWITTER
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